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Recommended Reads

Jayan Ravendra

In the month of Halloween, we pick books that shed light on how to master our biggest, darkest fears.

Title: Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges

Author: Amy Cuddy

No. of pages: 296 pages

Call No.: BF575.S39 Cud

Have you ever gone into “high stakes, high stress” situations (a presentation, a sales pitch, a job interview) full of dread and fear, and leave those situations with regret that you have not performed at your best? Written by Amy Cuddy (of the “power poses” TED Talk fame), the book addresses this universal experience. Drawing on research in psychology, Cuddy shows how we can be our “boldest, most authentic self” when it matters most through surprisingly simple and effective ways.

Title: The Upside of Your Dark Side

Authors: Todd Kashdan and Robert Biswas-Diener

No. of pages: 278 pages

Call No.: BF575.S37 Kas

In this highly readable book, psychologists Todd Kashdan and Robert Biswas-Diener make the startling case for negative emotions. Through research findings and real-life examples, they demonstrate how tapping into the whole range of human emotional psychology can have tremendous benefits: anger can increase optimism, creativity and effectiveness, and being anxious can increase resilience. Conversely, find out the downside of happiness; how the pursuit of happiness can make us less happy and healthy. So, read on and embrace your dark side!

Title: Essential Study Skills: The Complete Guide to Success at University

Authors: Tom Burns and Sandra Sinfield

No. of pages: 322 pages

Call No. : LB2395 Bur 2016

Dreading the looming exams? Stressed over tight assignment deadlines? Brimming with study tips and useful activities, this guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to study effectively across all higher education levels. Discover basic hacks to planning your timetable, reading effectively, as well as self-help tips to overcoming your stress and improving your emotional well-being. This guide includes advice on writing essays and reports, delivering presentations and even running seminars. Also, find fun ways to revise through memory games and handy pointers from mindmapping master Tony Buzan to prepare for those blood-curdling exams!

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