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Videos on Counselling and Classroom Teaching

Contributor: Melisa Ong

Besides books and journal articles, lecturers and practitioners may find that materials on certain topics such as counselling would be more accessible via video.

Our library has video resources for research, instruction and learning purposes from electronic academic databases. These videos are available in the following format:

  • online databases where you can stream videos

  • physical DVDs in the Reserves / Red Spot collection (Level 2)


Below are highlights of our video collection and what they can offer:

1) Go international with classroom observation

Alexander Street Press has more than 4,600 titles in their Education in Video collection, which has content on training and developing teachers. You can browse primary-source footage of student-teacher interactions in the classroom, teaching demonstrations, lectures, and documentaries. These classroom videos largely feature British classrooms and give you an understanding of different international classroom contexts. What is more, this entire video collection is viewable online.

2) Learn from experts about counselling in practice

Alexander Street Press also has more than 500 titles in their collection Counseling and Therapy in Video. Content featured includes footage of therapy sessions, consultation sessions interspersed with analysis, and lecture presentations.

An example of the videos in the Counselling and Therapy in Video collection is the series produced by Microtraining Associates, a publisher of a DVD video series where you can also learn from therapists as they discuss the realities of working through therapy with their clients, as well as the challenge of implementing theoretical concepts in practice.

3) Browsing for DVDs in the Library's Reserve section

For videos not found online, you may want to look for them in 2790 physical DVDs housed within the Library's Reserve Section. This small but diverse collection contains many educational titles such as "Backward Design" by Jay McTighe, "Classroom Instruction That Works" and "How Do I Stay Calm When Students Push My Buttons". With the re-organisation of the collection, related titles are shelved together so that you can now browse the DVD shelves for other relevant titles.

Other offerings in this collection include feature films based on classic works such as E.B. White's Charlotte's Web, S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, The Diary of Anne Frank and John Steinbeck's East Of Eden. Local feature films such as the ever-popular local movie "I Not Stupid" can also be found here.


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