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Recommended Reads

Jayan Ravendra

Find books that encourage us to live intentionally, embrace change and value honour.

Title: The power of significance: How purpose changes your life

Author: John C. Maxwell

No. of pages: 127 pages

Call No.: BF637.S8 Max

In this handy book, noted leadership authority John Maxwell guides readers along the route to discovering their own purpose and significance in life. Written in bite-sized chapters, the book serves to motivate readers to embrace intentional living, to live with a sense of anticipation and to seize opportunities for significance each day.

Title: Flip the switch: Achieve extraordinary things with simple changes to how you think

Author: Jez Rose

No. of pages: 190 pages

Call No.: BF637.C4 Ros

Behaviour expert Jez Rose tells us ways to look at things differently, and the importance of reinforcement, without which there will be little change. Rose himself uses stories to reinforce his points. Readers will have their own favourite stories, and surely one of the most encouraging and fascinating would be the account of a little girl called Emily, whose desire to master a magic trick caused the extreme pain signals from an injury to actually reset and then amazingly cease altogether!

Title: Winning with honour: In relationships, family, organisations, leadership, and life

Authors: Siong Guan Lim, Joanne H. Lim

No. of pages: 435 pages

Call No.: BJ1533.H8 Lim

An interesting read that emphasises the importance of honour in all aspects of our lives, this book is all the more unique for being grounded in local Singapore context. Held up as “the virtue of all virtues”, this comprehensive study covers honor at the individual, family, and organisational level. This book should prove a rewarding read for all those interested in the subject.

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