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Children's Literature Book Fair 2018

NIE Library

An annual event, the Children's Literature Book Fair aims to help student teachers get a head-start in growing their personal book collection. Held on 21 February 2018, this year's Book Fair generated a buzz as student teachers, teachers, and parents alike browsed the books on offer. Many dropped by the vendor booths located outside Lecture Theatre 1 to browse from a variety of illustrated children's books from various genres and media formats. This year there were six participating vendors who were invited down to NIE. Over the course of a day, the Book Fair saw approximately 150 eager book buyers.

The Children's Literature Book Fair was especially useful for the PGDE (Primary) student teachers being trained to teach English. In particular, the event received positive feedback from the student teachers taking the course QSE 50D Children's Literature, which is compulsory for the PGDE Primary programme. The course requires student teachers to understand different genres and display their knowledge through a class presentation and the creation of a public book display in the library. Student teachers remarked that the Book Fair was a welcome opportunity to apply their newly-acquired visual literacy skills to their book selection process. Some even came to the Book Fair with a shopping list of award-winning authors whom they were keeping an eye out for. Pleased with their buys, some student teachers stated that they purchased more books than expected and were excited to introduce these books to their own classrooms in the future.

The Children's Literature Book Fair is jointly organised by the English Language & Literature (ELL) Academic Group and the NIE Library.

Missed the Book Fair? Check out the photo gallery below to view some of our Book Fairs held in recent years.


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