What is ORCID?
ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) is an open and independent registry that allows you to set up an unique identifier as an academic author. This unique ORCID identifier can be used throughout your entire academic career, regardless of the academic institution that you may be affiliated with.
With your ORCID profile, you can create and maintain information on your educational background, employment history and publications list in one place. One can also list details on the research project funding as well. This increases visibility and facilitates sharing of one's scholarly work, and can also be used as part of your curriculum vitae. In fact, many academic publishers now ask for a link to one's ORCID profile when one submits works for publication.
How do I get started?
You can create an ORCID profile by registering here.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to register with ORCID and obtain your unique identifier:

How do I add information to my ORCID Profile?
After registering for an account, you can log in to add information in ORCID such as your employment history and a list of your published works.
To populate or update your publications list in ORCID, you may upload a BibTex file generated from your Google Scholar profile or import publication data from credible sources such as CrossRef and DataCite.
Here is a step-by-step guide on the process:

What if I already have other researcher or author profiles?
If you have a researcher profile in ResearcherID (Clarivate Analytics) or author ID in Scopus (Elsevier), you will be pleased to know that ORCID also allows you to import or exchange publication data with Web of Science and Scopus. This reduces any duplication of effort in updating multiple author profiles.
For more information on how to manage other author profiles such as ResearcherID, refer to our Libguide.