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Your Research Data Matters!

Wong Yong Yeow

Why would you want to deposit final research data in NIE Data Repository?

The NIE Data Repository is a platform that facilitates depositing and access to final research datasets of publications. Besides complying with the Research Data Management Policy and fulfilling funders’/publishers’ requirements, NIE researchers are also able to archive the data for their future use or for others who may find the data useful.

When a dataset is published in the NIE Data Repository, a unique digital object identifier (DOI) is assigned automatically. Cross-linking between the dataset and its related publication will also be created. A published dataset will be searchable and retrievable through Google, which can increase the visibility, and potentially the citations, of both the dataset and its related publication.

Before you share and publish your data, consider the following:

  • Do you have any prior formal agreement with third parties that prohibits you from making your data files publicly available? Examples of third parties include grant agencies, project sponsors, project collaborators, and data sources.

  • Are you reusing existing or third-party data that comes with terms of use or licence which would limit the ability of others to read the data?

  • Will sharing the data now affect any patent applications in the future?

  • Does the data contain any identifiable human or sensitive data?

If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you may consider the following alternatives:

  • Publish the metadata describing your dataset but restrict access to the files. Interested parties can contact the owner of the dataset to seek permission.

  • Do not publish your dataset but deposit your files for audit purposes.

How do you deposit your data?

To deposit your data, please email


To find out more, you can refer to our article on common concerns about data sharing and management in our October 2017 Issue.

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