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Chinese Database CNKI Now Available |中国知网数据库

Sandie Loo



除了中国知网外, 新加披国立教育学院图书馆还为学生及老师提供万方数据库。 陈家骏博士就此提道:“中国知网与万方,正好起互补的作用,让我们在搜查资料时更为便捷、迅速,十分利于学术的研究!”






Chinese Database CNKI Now Available

China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI 中国知网) is the world’s most comprehensive online resource for accessing China’s intellectual output. The Chinese database features full-text articles in the fields of history, literature and philosophy.

This database which comprises: China Academic Journals Full-text Database (1994-), China Doctoral Dissertation Full-text Database (1984-), China Master’s Theses Full-text Database (1984-) and China Proceedings of Conference Full-text Database (1953-) is now available to NIE students and staff.

With an extensive coverage of resources available in the database, faculty and students undertaking studies and research on Chinese language, culture and literature will benefit greatly from it. Ms Lee, an NIE student, who has been using the database for many years, shared her experience with us.

“When I was pursuing my degree in Chinese, I had been a frequent user of CNKI. With its user-friendly searching capabilities, I had no problems locating the resources. The wide coverage helped me to deepen my content knowledge and understanding on the overseas academic development.”

Besides CNKI, NIE Library subscribes to Wanfang Data.

Dr Tan Kar Chun, a lecturer from Asian Languages and Cultures (ALC), thinks that “CNKI complements Wanfang Data. This makes searching of information even faster and more convenient especially for users doing academic research.”

To access the databases, please visit the following links:


Wanfang Data:

English version by Wong Yong Yeow

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