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Education Encyclopedia by Scholars For Scholars

NIE Library

Regardless of whether you are a new student or a seasoned researcher, scrolling through a mountain of misinformation and outdated information to find an accurate, up-to-date overview of a topic can be a tedious task.

Students and researchers can now have access to the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, a rich collection of authoritative overview articles on numerous key subjects in education. These are written by leading scholars in the field of education, including some of NIE's own.

Why Oxford Research Encyclopedia?

Developed by Oxford University Press, the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education was written to meet the needs of a variety of users - from new students seeking foundational knowlege on the subject, to academics looking for background information on topics related to their research.

Within encyclopedia, users can search for overview articles that cover foundational and current topics in the discipline of education. Written, reviewed, and edited by leading experts on the topic, each article was designed to provide a quick general understanding of a specific topic.

Each article provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of a topic, traces the developments in the area, elucidates relevant theoretical foundations such as frameworks, discusses any issues, as well as highlights any future research. Finally, each article in the encyclopedia contains an extensive reference list that students or scholars can pursue further. Together, they provide a quick, yet thorough introduction to a topic.

On a monthly basis, new and updated articles are published to ensure that users continue to have access to the most recent, cutting-edge research in the field of education.

Simple to Use Interface

Getting around the encyclopedia is easy. On the main page, users can:

  • Find out who are the members of the Editorial Board

  • Read featured articles in the field of education

  • Browse recently published articles, including summaries and previews of full-text articles

The short clip below demonstrates how to browse all the articles available in the field of education.

Each article also includes a “Related Articles” section to help readers gain a better understanding of the topic:

Articles by NIE Faculty

The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education includes articles authored or co-authored by current or former members of the NIE faculty. Here are some of the articles:

A. Lin Goodwin and Ee Ling Low

Michael Chia and Koh Koon Teck

Jason Loh and Guangwei Hu

Jason Loh and Guangwei Hu

Charlene Tan and Connie S.L. Ng

Sylvia Chong and Saravanan Gopinathan

Charlene Tan

You can access the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education from our List of Databases on the Library Portal.

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