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Growing Digital Library of Creative Works

Stephanie Ow

Do you know that you can share your work with the rest of the NIE community and the rest of the world?

NIE Digital Projects Collection

The NIE Digital Projects Collection is a multimedia archive and showcase of staff and student works. It is accessible via the Library Portal.

Some of these works are born digital e.g. digital art, videos and photographs, and others have been digitised, e.g. by photographing art pieces. Multimedia files (e.g. in .jpeg, .png, .mp4, or .mp3 formats) and their associated metadata (e.g. subject, abstract/summary or title), allow for ease of viewing, streaming, searching or browsing.

Besides NIE staff and students, members of the public can also search in the Portal and view the publicly accessible digital files. Direct URLs of the items can also be copied and shared.

Collections in the Digital Library

Currently, NIE Digital Projects contains three collections of works, thanks to the ongoing collaborations between NIE Library and various academic groups and/or committees.

NIE Art Archive

NIE Art Archive is a collaboration with the Visual & Performing Arts (VPA) Academic Group to archive creative works by NIE students for the BA art exhibitions held in the Art Gallery.

NIE Art Archive

Singapore Kaleidoscope Showcases

Singapore Kaleidoscope (SgK) Showcases is a collaboration with the Humanities and Social Studies Education (HSSE) Academic Group to archive the final artefacts created by students undertaking the Singapore Kaleidoscope (SgK) course.

Singapore Kaleidoscope (SGK) Showcases

NIE National Education Archive

NIE National Education Archive is a collaboration with the NIE National Education Committee to archive images from National Education related projects such as the NIE Total Defence Photography Challenge 2021 - Capture the Culture: Singapore Hawker Culture.

NIE National Education Archive

Browsing the Digital Projects Collection

1. Go to the Library Portal. At the menu bar located on top, click on Resources.

2. Under Featured Collections, click on Online Collections.

Searching for items in a Collection

1. Go to the Library Portal. At the search bar, click on Advanced Search.

Search the NIE Digital Projects collection on the Library Portal

2. Search for items using specific fields:

Example of a Subject field search

Viewing the digital files

After clicking on a collection or sub-collection, you can see all the items within at a glance by clicking on the grid or gallery options.

Thumbnail (Gallery) View

Click on an item, and then click on "View Online". You can then view all the full-sized images for a particular title, play an audio clip or stream a video.

Click on the link Digital Versions to view the item

View images

Play an audio clip

Stream a video

Invitation to contribute

If you would like to archive and display any works produced by staff or students, do contact us at with your request. We welcome both prospective and retrospective archiving. Let’s build our digital library together!


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