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ProQuest Central: 47 Unique Databases, 1 Search Solution

NIE Library

NIE staff and users now have access to a richer and more diverse collection of resources with an upgraded subscription to ProQuest Central.

What's new?

With the upgrade, an additional 39 databases covering a range of major subject areas become available. Subject areas include:

  • Social sciences

  • Arts and humanities

  • Science and technology

  • Business

  • Health and medical sciences

A selection of interdisciplinary and regional databases are also available.

39 new databases available through ProQuest Central

What is ProQuest Central?

ProQuest Central is the main search interface where you can perform a comprehensive search across 47 unique databases.

This includes three of NIE's existing ProQuest subscribed databases - Education Database, Psychology Database and Linguistics Database.

The simple and intuitive search allows you to search through an extraordinary range of content, including:

  • 13,000 full-text scholarly journals

  • 340,000 dissertations

  • 2,300 full-text newspapers

  • 6,500 full-text magazines and trade journals

  • 245,000 case studies

  • 230,000 conference papers

  • 385,000 market and industry reports

  • And more...

ProQuest Central basic search interface

Updated quarterly, ProQuest Central provides diverse resources to support teaching, learning and research needs across all major subject areas. Content includes:

  • The latest full-text scholarly journals and publications in key disciplines and areas of research.

  • First release working papers, dissertations and conference papers for the latest views on scholarship.

  • The latest local, national, and international news coverage, including videos from the CBS 60 Minutes documentary series, The New York Times and The Washington Post.

  • Current, full text of widely read business and current affairs magazines, including The Economist, Billboard, The Spectator and many more.

Narrow or Broaden Search Capabilities

With ProQuest, it is easy to alter your search to suit your needs. On the Basic Search page in ProQuest Central, databases which are included in the search are listed below the search box.

Databases included in the ProQuest Central search

For a more targeted search, you can select the databases to search by clicking on the "Change databases" link on the search page (see below).

Select databases to search

Discover the extensive resources readily available by accessing ProQuest Central from the list of databases today!


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