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Recommended Reads

Yvonne Yin

Browse a selection of new arrivals for the month of November.

Title: Making New Friends With Baby King = He Xiao Jinjin Zuo Peng You

Author: Chew Lee Ching

No. of pages: Unpaged

Call No.: PZ7.1 CheL

In this delightfully illustrated bilingual board book, a little kingfisher introduces himself and makes friends with the fellow inhabitants of Kingfisher Lake, from Ollie the otter to Fitti the dragonfly. Ideal for reading aloud, the book can also act as a springboard for introducing children to various aspects of animal life. Recommended for parents with young children who are studying both languages.

Title: Hidden Havens: Exploring Marine Life in Singapore’s Marinas

Authors: Chou Loke Ming, Lionel Ng, Toh Kok Ben, Cheo Pei Rong, Ng Juat Ying and Karenne Tun

No. of pages: 99

Call No.: QL137.5 Cho

We would not really equate abundant marine life with man-made marinas, but this book shows that even a casual observer can easily spot all manner of corals and sponges as well as small fishes without having to peer deep down into the water.

An excellent introduction to the weird and wonderful creatures that inhabit Singapore’s marinas, with their equally weird and wonderful names: butterflyfishes, batfishes, rabbitfishes, painted sweetlips and diamondfishes (they glitter like diamonds) are just some of the marina denizens that readers will come across in this breathtakingly illustrated book.

Title: Management and Leadership in the 4th Industrial Revolution: Capabilities to Achieve Superior Performance

Author: Stephen Wyatt

No. of pages: 252

Call No.: HD31.2 Wya

In the technology-driven 4th Industrial Revolution, the speed of business and the rate of change are increasing rapidly. How will managers and leaders keep up, never mind outrun the competition?

This book focuses on the capabilities and traits required for organisations and their leaders to survive and thrive. As an example of the author’s emphasis on speed, he proposes the rather novel-sounding position of Acceleration Officer, who will act as a catalyst for change, champion the adoption of new technologies and have as a main objective the “future-proofing” of the corporation.

Recommended as an interesting perspective from a writer who has previously worked in Asia.

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