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Say "Hey, Temi"

Stephanie Ow

New robot concierge at your service in NIE Library

Amid the quiet hum of the study area on level 2 of NIE Library, a small waist high metallic black robot busily rolls past the tables with a stack of books in its tray.

Meet Temi, the newest "staff" in NIE Library.

Operational since May 2022, Temi is able to answer enquiries, guide library users on a tour of level 2, as well as provide friendly alerts during library closing times.

How does it work?

Temi is able to see, listen and speak with users. It does this by leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies for navigation (e.g. obstacle avoidance and path planning), voice interaction (e.g. auto speech recognition, natural language processing, speech-to-text and text-to-speech engines) and facial recognition. Temi is able to display images, play audio files and videos for a complete visual and auditory experience.

Here are some highlights of what Temi can do:

Answer Enquiries

Say “Hey, Temi” and ask your question. If it is a commonly asked question, e.g. “Where can I do photocopying?”, Temi will have an answer for you. Unanswered queries will be captured to improve Temi’s AI assistant Question and Answer (QnA) library.

Facilitate Way-Finding

Want to find a specific collection in a hurry? You can ask Temi for directions or select a pre-defined location on Temi’s screen e.g. Red Spot Section. Then, just tag along as Temi brings you to your destination before returning to her "workstation" near the entrance of the Library.

Give Tours

New to the Library? Why not go on a guided tour to learn more about the various collections or facilities? Currently, the self-guided tours are only available on Level 2. You can also click on questions and answers related to the locations to find out more.

Provide Information

Have some time to pass in between your classes? Find out more about the library's services and resources such as the live chat service, Browzine, Pen Pal Whizz and more. Simply click on the items on Temi's screen to learn more.

Give Friendly Alerts

Temi is scheduled to roam the seating area of Level 2 of the Library before closing time each day. So if you are studying in the Library until the late evenings, do keep a look out for Temi.

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