The NIE data and digital repositories were set up to archive, organise and disseminate NIE research output to a wider audience. The platforms support NTU’s and funders’ open access requirements, as well as publishers’ sharing policies. Items in the repositories are indexed by search engines such as Google, Google Scholar, Google Dataset Search, and DataCite Search, aiding in the discovery of NIE research output.
New features and functionalities were recently added to optimise the searching and retrieval of research outputs and author identity.
Data Repository
Harvesting of NIE Datasets by DR-NTU (Data)
To facilitate one-stop access to the University’s research data, NIE datasets can now be searched and retrieved in both the NIE Data Repository and DR-NTU (Data). In addition, in the DR-NTU (Data), users can limit their searches to NIE datasets via the NIE Data Repository (Harvested) link.

DR-NTU (Data) homepage
Digital Repository
Besides the Data Repository, users can also expect to find enhancements to the NIE Digital Repository.
New Citation Count Indicator
The citation counts for publications indexed in Scopus or the Web of Science are now showing in corresponding publication records in the repository.
These newly added metrics, together with existing features such as Downloads, Google Scholar citations and Altmetric attention score, provide a better indication of how much impact a publication has made.

New Scopus and Web of Science citation counts displayed in publication record
Researcher Profiles
Besides enhancements to the display, a new Researcher Profiles feature was also added. The profile displays information such as name, name variants, department, and institutional email address of individual authors, followed by a list of the author’s publication records in the repository. This aids in establishing a unique author identity for NIE academic staff.
The new Researcher Profile is displayed as an icon next to the names of NIE academic staff. Clicking on the name of a researcher will only return a list of publications by the author, whilst clicking on the icon will display the profile (sample record).

Click on the icon to display the researcher profile
To search for researcher profiles, click on the “Researchers” tab at the navigation bar and enter the name of the NIE academic staff.

Search for researcher profiles by clicking on the Researchers tab
Metadata-only Records
Some publications cannot be deposited in the NIE Digital Repository due to the publisher’s policy (see also the revised NTU Open Access Policy, clause 5.1.2). Metadata-only records are created instead for some new staff publications with links provided to the published version.
Since publication records in the Digital Repository may or may not contain full text, Filtering Icons are included in your search results to indicate full-text availability status and access options.
See below for the types of indicators available:

We hope you find the enhancements useful! For feedback, please contact NIE Library at