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Learn About Online Resources: LearnERs Day 2018

NIE Library

As a student, you may be constantly reminded by your lecturers or professors to use authoritative or quality sources in your research. Apart from using search engines and the library search tools, it is useful to have some understanding of how to use the various publisher and database platforms to find quality publications.

Our inaugural LearnERS Day on 4th September 2018 was organised to raise awareness of the rich electronic resources (e-books, online journals, provider platforms) that are available to students and staff. Well-known publishers such as Wiley, SpringerNature, Taylor & Francis and providers such as ProQuest and EBSCOhost set up booths in the library to share their latest resources and features on their platforms.

Many dropped by the vendor booths located on Level 3 of the library to interact with our vendors, attended demonstrations about using electronic resources, and earned goodies.

Apart from vendor booths, participants were given a sneak preview of the revamped Library Portal. The NIE Library booth located at the library entrance on Level 2 gave users an opportunity to use and explore the new interface.

More than 200 NIE students and staff took part in this event. Many participated in our “Think-Tac-Toe” game where they immersed themselves in electronic resource discovery. Those who had successfully completed the game also won a chance to take part in the grand lucky draw.

We hope that LearnERS Day was a fun day for the NIE community, and that participants took away with them some useful knowledge of the resources available.


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